Congress is pulling the plug on Pell Grants and thousands of students will be affected. Apparently this is supposed to save $11 Billion over the next 10 years. Among those who will lose Pell Grants in the summer are at least 65,000 new college students without high school diplomas and 63,000 who have spent more than six years in college. Changes in income requirements will reduce or eliminate grants for nearly 300,000 others. Read more here.
Grants were the last vestige of hope for people trying to cross socio-economic boundaries by educating themselves. This comes as another major blow to education by the government. Government can manage their own budget’s, so are we surprised that they can’t manage education? People without jobs, bad credit and already overloaded by student loans cannot move forward.
For many students who never finished high school, the loss of Pell Grants could put college out of reach. Those students, who also will lose access to subsidized federal loans, had qualified for aid through an exam known as the ability-to-benefit test or by completing at least six college units.
A coalition of groups is pushing Congress to reverse some of its Pell reform; however, what is the likelihood of that happening.
In all honesty, public education is slowly disappearing, and all education will eventually be privatized.
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